The Power of Nature videos will feature first-person stories of individuals affected by the nature of our coastal zones. Combined with beautiful footage of land and water, powerful personal stories will encourage and motivate people to think differently, create dialogue, promote participation, and take action on behalf of coastal resource protection.
“We want to connect with people who might access and enjoy coastal resources but who have yet to engage in action to help ensure their long-term protection and stewardship”, said Jonathan Jarosz, Executive Director of Heart of the Lakes. According to Jarosz, the premise for the videos is that places create stories, stories make connections, connections engender caring and caring leads to action. “While people may enjoy the shoreline and have some awareness of the importance of our Great Lakes’ coasts to Michigan economy and environment, it’s still sometimes hard for people to see the relevance in their every day lives. Good stories told through great videos can help people see themselves in the story and inspire action,” explained Jarosz.
The high production value videos will be produced in a manner to make them adaptable for use by a wide variety of organizations, agencies, and local units of government as a call to get engaged in the stewardship of Michigan’s coastal resources. The videos will be completed by December 2016.