Frequently Asked Questions
What is a land conservancy?
Land conservancies, also known as land trusts, are community-based, nonprofit organizations dedicated to the permanent protection and stewardship of natural and working lands for the public good. Learn More
How does a Land Conservancy Work?
Land conservancies are suited better than any other organization to safeguard Michigan's natural beauty and the conservation values or our most important lands because they protect land forever. Learn More
What is a conservation easement?
A conservation easement is an agreement between a landowner and land conservancy or government agency that protects land by limiting uses and development of the property forever. Learn More
How do I conserve my land?
Landowners seeking to conserve their land should contact a local land conservancy to get more detailed information about the conservation tools available to them. The following is a brief description of some of the more common, permanent land protection options. Learn more
Where can I learn more about Heart of the Lakes’ positions on current policy?
Heart of the Lakes supports the work of Michigan land conservancies by researching conservation policy and practice as well as helping to shape and advocate for sound policies that advance land conservation in Michigan. Learn More
What is Heart of the Lakes working on now?
A fundamental role of Heart of the Lakes is to assist our member land conservancies in their efforts to protect critical natural and working lands throughout the state. Our Programs are designed to provide support services, both directly and collectively, as well as to advance conservation in Michigan through research, education and communications, and the promotion of sound public policy. Learn more
Who can help me conserve my land?
Land conservancies can help you conserve your land. Land conservancies, also known as land trusts, are community-based, nonprofit organizations dedicated to the permanent protection and stewardship of natural and working lands for the public good. Find your local land conservancy
Can I visit lands that have been protected by land conservancies?
Many conservancies do have nature preserves or sanctuaries that are open to the public. Find a Land Conservancy near you and go to their website to learn about lands that may be accessible to the public.
Why protect Michigan land?
Michigan citizens identify with the state's land based resources, recreational opportunities, outdoor heritage, and pristine landscapes. Thoughtful land protection ensures the sustainability of Michigan’s natural assets vital to our economic and environmental future.